Live Music + HUGE SALE

You read that correctly! This weekend we will be having a case sale on Chardonnay ($60), Syrah ($70), and Barbera ($120)! As well as Barbera by the bottle for $15!

As a special treat, we will have Jimmy Ashley performing on our Instagram LIVE on Friday at 2! Crack open a bottle from home and tune in to the performance with us :) 

Our hours for pick up are Friday 12 - 2pm and Saturday 12 - 2pm.
We will be closed on Easter Sunday.

Thank you to all the members that have opted in for the Spring Club release; 4 great reds for $40. If you haven't taken advantage of this yet, it's not too late!

Please call Maxine at (209) 49-9747 to charge all orders before picking up. 

Again, thank you all for your continued support during this crazy time and we hope you and your loved ones stay healthy!

- Twisted Barrel Winery 
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