It's that time again……
Happy New Year, everyone! It’s that special time of year again where we reflect on the previous year, pledge new commitments, set lofty goals and look forward to the coming year with fresh optimism.
As I begin this newsletter, I share that we have been without power for three days. For us, no electricity also means no water, no bathroom privileges, no showers. Our house is cold and dark as I write this by candlelight. My current New Year’s resolution is to appreciate that which we simply take for granted!
All this said, we will not be opening Twisted Barrel until the weekend of 1/14/23 due to the current weather situation and sporadic power outages. We apologize for the inconvenience, but want everyone to remain safe and we also need to get things in order after these storms.
Looking forward, we do have some some exciting things happening at Twisted Barrel Winery in 2023. We will be extending our hours of business to include Thursdays and Fridays each week. We will be showcasing a new “popcorn bar” inside the tasting room featuring a few select flavors of popcorn that compliment our wines. And, our next wine club pick-up party will be January 21 from 1-4 pm. Hope to see everyone there!
We’ve got other plans for the coming year and will provide details in the near future. In the meantime, we hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and is staying safe and dry during these storms.
As my favorite artist, James Taylor, says in one of his most popular songs, “The Secret of Life is Enjoying the Passage of Time”. We appreciate all of you that have “enjoyed passing time” with us at Twisted Barrel. We look forward to seeing you all in 2023!
Denise Warmerdam
Mom and Oma
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