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Fostering Friendships………

What does it mean to foster a friendship? By definition, it’s about being open to learning about others and even learning more about yourself. Every relationship - every friendship - takes work.

Just a couple of weeks ago we hosted our April wine club pick-up party. We welcomed all who attended and hope that everyone had a good time. We are still working hard at putting names with faces but always enjoy seeing everyone.

We are also learning that Twisted Barrel is all about relationships. We are so very grateful to the Tanner family that continue to mentor us in this journey. We are also extremely appreciative of those wine club members and customers that have taken the time to provide words of encouragement.

This last wine club party was a precious experience. We were able to sit with some of you and learn more about you and your families. We are blessed by your friendships. Thank you!!

We’ve been talking about Fire Pit Fridays for a while now. They’ve been delayed due to some private events we’ve been hosting, but we should be starting them soon. Watch your emails. And, we are looking forward to another fun pick-up party in July! 

Denise Warmerdam
(Mom and Oma)

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