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Hot August Nights….

This is the month each year where summer is starting to wear out its welcome! The heat makes for hazy, lazy days. It’s also a time of anticipation. Kids are getting ready to go back to school, Fall can be felt in the morning air, the sun is setting a little bit earlier each evening, and the grapes are sweetening up and harvest is on its way! For Twisted Barrel Winery, we are enjoying some grower outreach, planning out our varietals and preparing for the season’s crush.

We continue to appreciate our precious wine club members and so enjoy the time we get to share with everyone in our tasting room. Our air conditioner is blazing so the wine is kept cool - we love providing a comfortable, cool atmosphere  for those looking to get a reprieve from the heat.

Some upcoming things to watch for -
 - Fire Pit Friday August 5, 5:30 - 8:30 pm. If you want to wind down from the week and enjoy a wine slushie or glass of wine, stop on by!

- Sangria Sundays continue to be celebrated! We offer both traditional sangria and the sparkling rose’ sangria.
- August will be “growler” month at Twisted Barrel. Come fill them up!
- We’ve got a new-blend Tre‘ Liscious making an appearance this month too. Served upon request!
- September 2 will be a special Fire Pit Friday. Our Texans will be in town, we’ve got Addington, Rogers and Gill scheduled to perform and we’ll have some BBQ treats available. Save the date, we’d love to have you join us!

Denise Warmerdam
(Mom and Oma)
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