And our flag was still there…….

I am one of those that has a hard time not tearing-up every time I hear the star spangled banner – especially when sung by a hometown crowd at a game. In just a few days, we will be celebrating the passage of our Declaration of Independence. Delegates from 13 colonies adopted this document, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, and ever since, we celebrate the birth of American independence. Tradition has us celebrating with fireworks, parades, barbecues and family gatherings. I also hope we take a moment or two to be thankful for the country we live in and those that have served to protect our freedoms. 

My dad, Dennis, served our country while in the Navy. He was stationed in Pensacola, Florida, where he and my mom were married. They have memories of watching the Blue Angels practice at an air strip just across from where they had an apartment. As I’ve mentioned, my parents are both 85 and some of Twisted Barrel’s biggest supporters. They attend every wine club event. I thought this might be an appropriate time to thank my dad for his service!

                                                                                   Dennis Rivinius, Circa 1957 

And now, for some winery news! We had planned a fun Firepit Friday to celebrate the July 4th weekend, but due to our crazy, excessive heat, we have cancelled the event. As you know, we rely on our parking lot to set-up for all the fun and the blacktop will be brutal at 109 degrees!  We’ll catch everyone at our next Firepit Friday on August 2 where we will host The Cornhole Olympics – details to follow! We will, however, be open from noon to 5 p.m. on July 4th. Stop by and celebrate with us!

July 20 will also be our next wine club pick-up party! For this event, we will change up our hours a bit and host the party from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in hopes of keeping things cool. We’ll be showcasing our Alicante Bouschet, Albarino and Sparkling Rose. All will be paired with a brunch menu and mimosa bar. We’ve also got Mr. Randy Sykes coming to entertain us with his classics and southern rock. Should be an awesome day!

Here’s wishing you all a very happy Independence Day. With freedom in mind, faith in your heart and memories in your soul, let’s salute this glorious Nation. And as always, thank you for your support of Twisted Barrel Winery. 

Denise Warmerdam
(Mom and Oma)